
Meerstetter Engineering GmbH

Schulhausgasse 12
(Gewerbezone Schulhausgasse)
CH-3113 Rubigen

Tel.:    +41 31 529 21 00

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Please note our privacy statement when contacting us.


If you have any technical questions, please send us the following data (if available), so we can help you more efficiently.

  • A screenshot of the monitor- and the chart tab of the Service Software taken after the error has happened.
  • The configuration file (.ini or .xml) exported from the TEC-Family Software (Click on “Export Config” at lower right corner or in "File"-Menu).
  • A log file in debug mode, if possible, started when there was no error and finished when the error occurred (or when you do the action that causes it).
    • To create a log file in debug mode with TEC Service Software (FW < 6.00), go to the maintenance tab in the service software, check “Export all monitor values to CSV File (Debug)”, then wait until the error or cause it, and finally select “Export Logged Monitor Data to CSV File” to export the log.
  • A picture showing your system, the controller and the sensor leads.
  • Datasheets of your Peltier element, power supply and any other important parts involved in your setup.


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