Sunday, 21 October 2012

TEC Controller Software v1.01 Release

TEC Controller Firmware and Service Software Version 1.0x TEC Controller Firmware and Service Software Version 1.0x

(Rubigen / October 2012) Meerstetter Engineering proudly announces the release of both firmware and service software for its successful range of TEC controllers. The software fully supports the new TEC-1123 Peltier controller, that delivers 60% more current than the TEC- 1122 dual channel base model. The compact, single-channel TEC-1089 is also supported. Highlights of the latest software are PID controller auto tuning, data logging, temperature stability indication and comprehensive error handling.

Numerous features, such as comprehensive error descriptions directly built into the TEC Service Software, are based on client requests. Other chang es are under-the-hood improvements in temperature acquisition, nominal temperature ramping and power supply control, further reducing the output ripple by a factor of two.

Another welcome extension is the possibility for di rect connection between TEC-Family devices and TEC Service Software via RS485. This allows to selectively address one device on a communication bus, and to e.g. carry out PID controller auto tuning or data logging from a distance. The update procedure to the latest firm- and software is free for all existing customers, and describe d in the document "TEC Controller Software Release Notes". The updated user manual and the according communica tion protocol specifications can be downloaded from the TEC-1089, TEC-1122 or TEC-1123 product pages on our website.

Meerstetter Engineering is a family-owned electroni cs engineering company, developing and manufacturing power electronics, high-voltage technology and embedded systems. With laser- electronics as its specialty, Meerstetter Engineeri ng also consults clients. e.g. to help them finding a custom laser solution.