Tuesday, 06 February 2024

PCN LDD-130x Firmware Update FW v1.41

We hereby inform you that we are now offering a new LDD-130x firmware version v1.41.
All our new LDD-130x quotations and order confirmations (and the resulting devices) are sent with firmware version v1.41 by default. All order confirmations with a different versioning as well as existing specific customer requests remain valid.
If you require a different firmware version for your LDD-130x, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The most important changes (FW v1.30, FW v1.40 and FW v1.41):

  • CANopen can be used to control our LDD-130x laser diode drivers.
  • Target value for laser power can now be set using a "Volatile" parameter.
  • LDD output current can be controlled by the analog input.
  • Improvements in the parameter system.

The new firmware version is compatible with all LDD-130x hardware versions greater than HW v1.10 and can be updated by yourself. Just download the latest software package and install the firmware in the service software in the tab “Maintenance”.

Further information about the firmware update can be found in the LDD-130x Software Release Notes.

Do you have any questions or concerns? Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will be glad to help you.