Tuesday, 16 May 2023

NEW: CANopen for TEC Controllers and Laser diode drivers of Meerstetter

Exciting news: We have implemented CAN-Bus in CANopen standard for many of our TEC Controllers and Laser diode drivers for you! You are invited to use this new function.

Supported Features:

  • All mandatory functions of CiA 301
  • 1 SDO-Server
  • EMCY
  • Heartbeat Producer
  • 16 RPDO and 16 TPDO with dynamic object assignment

These devices from Meerstetter support CANopen:

  • TEC Controller:
  • Laser Diode Driver (LDD):
    • LDD-1301            (20 A, 45 V)
    • LDD-1303            (20 A, 120 V)

For more information about communication or pin assignment, see the specific documentation (User Manual/Communication Protocol, etc.) of the products on the product pages.

To enable CANopen on your device, you need at least FW v5.10 for TEC controllers (and at least HW v3.15 for TEC-1091) and FW v1.40 for LDD-130x. These firmware versions are 100% hardware compatible with all hardware versions of the corresponding series. To update:

  • the LDD, download the latest FW version from our homepage and install the contained *.hex file into your LDD under the tab "Maintenance" in the service software.
  • the TEC Controller, use this manual. Attention! Devices with FW smaller than v5.00 must be updated by us. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Do you have any questions or wishes? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. We are happy to help you.